/Could Reflexology Therapy Work For You?

Could Reflexology Therapy Work For You?

If you have spent any time researching homeopathic remedies, you have probably encountered reflexology, also known as zone therapy.  Reflexology is a therapy that focuses on the muscles and nerves in the feet.  The theory is that each area of the foot corresponds to another area of the body.  At times, reflexology can also involve the hands, and even the ears.  In theory, reflexology can be used to treat any number of different conditions.   Practitioners claim the method effectively treats back pain, headaches, arthritis, migraines, and even sports injuries.  It is also used to treat stress. It’s similar to acupuncture as there is no invasive treatment required to reduce symptoms of treated conditions.   Reflexology has gained considerable popularity in recent years, and dates back to ancient times (2704 BC).  Centuries ago, it was practiced in China, Egypt and Greece, but appeared in the West in the 19th century. Although reflexology is an effective form of therapy, it is not 100 percent effective on every individual.  Many find success, while others endure their preexisting conditions.  If anything, reflexology simply relaxes muscles, unlike many Western medical treatments.