/Do Children Really Need Supplements and Vitamins?

Do Children Really Need Supplements and Vitamins?

As a parent, it goes without saying that you want your little ones to be as healthy as possible.  This is simply a natural instinct.  One thing that many parents struggle with, however, is whether or not to provide vitamins to their children in the form of supplements.  Is this really necessary?  Today, we will take a deeper look at whether supplements are needed to ensure that your kids are getting enough vitamins.

The biggest factor when determining if vitamins are necessary for your child is diet. What are you feeding your child?  Is your little one eating fruits, vegetables, and meat at every meal?  Are the fruits and veggies fresh or canned? 

If your child is eating according to FDA guidelines, then you will find it unlikely that extra vitamins and supplements are necessary.  If your household eats a lot of processed foods or fast food, then these vitamins may actually be in your child’s best interest.

Of course, this is not a blanket answer.  Kids with certain diseases, such as Celiac or Crohn’s disease may find that their bodies do not absorb enough nutrients from the food they eat, making it necessary to take additional vitamins and supplements.  Likewise, kids who are anemic or who have certain deficiencies may also find that vitamins are necessary for short-term use, to build their defenses back up.

Knowing whether or not your child needs vitamin supplements can require a visit to the doctor for a checkup.  If, however, your child is healthy and eats as the FDA recommends, you will likely find that your food provides the vitamins needed to keep him or her healthy – without the additional expense of buying big bottles of pills every month.