Those who are suffering from hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, may want to try the DASH diet. DASH is an acronym that stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Studies show that people who were on the DASH diet were able to lower their blood pressure in just two weeks, all from simply changing the way that they eat.
Doctors will advise you that your caloric intake each day is going to be different from that of other people. Aretha Franklin will obviously not be consuming the same amount of food as the Olson Twins. When you begin the DASH diet, you’ll want to start making gradual changes so that your body will be able to adjust. Begin by making a plan that allows a certain amount of salt, perhaps 2400 mgs, and after several days reduce the salt intake to around 1500 mgs.
You also need to remember that this isn’t the salt that you add to food, but instead the salt already found in food. Even adding more salt to your food is a huge setback for the diet.
To be successful with the DASH diet, you need to be acutely aware of what you are putting in your body at all times. Make a list when you head out to the grocery store, and stick to it.
Even though you are going to be adding healthier foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and fish, you need to keep a food journal of what you are eating. Your records will help you track your salt intake and lower it over time. When purchasing food, opt for products that have low rates of sodium to increase your DASH results.