How Lemon Juice Can Help You Lose Weight
Have you been wondering if the ‘lemon juice diet’ is right for you? This diet plan, billed as a miracle cure, has certainly been making waves in Hollywood lately. While fad diets are detrimental to your health and usually result in poor weight loss results, you will find that there is a kernel of truth where lemon juice is concerned.
Juice from lemons can help you with weight loss by stimulating your digestive tract. This is due to two factors, citric acid and vitamin C. Both play an important role within the body, and vitamin C works in both digestive health and in the health of the immune system.
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However, you will only be able to achieve a limited amount of weight loss with lemon juice and water alone. By stimulating your digestive tract and helping to improve your digestive health, you will lose the weight held in your intestines. However, without a healthy diet and the right amount of exercise, you will not be able to burn any fat with this diet alone.
This is the real key to weight loss: burning fat while keeping your digestive system in good shape. With a combination of lemon juice, a healthy diet and a good workout regimen, you can achieve lasting weight loss and better overall health for your entire body. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting any new or restrictive diets.