/Is Weight Loss From Liposuction Permanent?

Is Weight Loss From Liposuction Permanent?

When you are looking for the best way to achieve fast weight loss, liposuction can seem like the perfect answer.  After all, with no diet or exercise requirements, you can pay money to have someone literally suck the fat away. 

The question, however, is whether these results are lasting.  Will the fat stay gone, or is liposuction just a temporary solution?

The answer to this question is somewhat varied, but it generally depends solely on your lifestyle, diet, and both your ability and willingness to exercise.  If you undergo liposuction without making any changes to your diet and exercise regimen, such as joining a gym, the results will absolutely be temporary.  You will find that over time new fat deposits will form and your body will start looking just as it did before surgery.  It will take a while but if you don’t change your lifestyle, the fat will come back in as soon as a year.  This certainly means that liposuction is not a permanent solution to weight loss issues.

With that said, however, if you take the benefit that liposuction offered and start a diet and exercise regimen designed to help you maintain your new weight, it can absolutely provide lasting results.  This surgery can provide you with the self confidence boost and head start you need to ensure that you keep the pounds off for good.  Once you see how good you look without all that extra weight, that may give you the will-power boost you’ll need to follow a doctor approved diet and exercise regime, or even hire a personal trainer.

One thing that is important to note is that all surgeries have risks.  After all, Liposuction is still surgery, and if you are having a lot of fat removed then it will be major surgery.  Any operation performed with general anesthetic can have many dangers, and it is not recommended for everyone.  You will be in pain for a while and very sore for up to several months as the wounds created by the surgery heal.  You may need time off work while your body heals from the surgery, so factor that lost money into the cost of the surgery too.

The other thing to remember that the benefits that the surgery offers can also be achieved with proper diet and exercise.  If you feel that surgery is your best option, you are certainly able to do so, but without proper lifestyle changes, it will offer nothing more than a temporary result.  Consider your options before making any big decisions that may permanently affect your health.