Home juicing has been a lifestyle choice that many have undertaken in recent years. If you find you don’t have time to eat enough fruits and veggies the regular way, a home juicer can really help you out. Doctors recommend you eat five portions a day of fruit and vegetables, so buying a juicer can be a good investment in your health.
Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer is one of the most popular juicers on the electronics market today, and it is a name that anyone who is interested in health and juicing has probably heard of. But does it do the job well?
Let’s take a look at the product to start with. On the surface it looks great – very professional. Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer comes in different styles and colors, including stainless steel and black. Determining if the juicer is good or not is difficult because the online reviews range from the glowing to the abysmal. Consider some of the opposing views to help you make your decision.
Most of the customers say that the cleanup of Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer is easier than most juicers, and that the juicer does what it is supposed to do. They say that it is a sturdy product, and that it removes most of the pulp so that you are left with mostly pure juice.
However, customers say that some types of fruit don’t work very well with the juicer, including kiwis, due to the blender’s seeming inability to catch small seeds. They also have some problems with the location of the catch basin on Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer, which can lead to some mess.
The price of Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer is much lower than that of the pro grade models that can cost upwards of $500. If you are on a budget and you want a decent quality juicer that gets the job done, Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer is certainly not the worst choice out there.